Sunday, November 24, 2013


My tangent, first and foremost today, as I sit feeling wonderful and overwhelmingly blessed, my heart begins to sink for those feeling less fortunate this winter.  Those who are cold and hungry and those who cant seem to find even just one twinkle in their eye of hope and light.  I wish I could hug them all and tell them they can do it and give them all a meal.  However, I can not do that, I will immediately get generous and do what I can little by little.  This is not to say only during the holidays can you feel for these people, but it is true, its much colder and scary and not to mention darker, longer.  Between Suicide Awareness and Homelessness, I find it important to throw a smile at everyone you see and try not to look away ALL the time.  Stay humble, stay open and be amazing everyday, for everyone you meet is struggle some hard battle.
Now that is my intention today but boy do I have so much more to say.  ;-)

I spent the day with some of the most amazing men and women yesterday and my very first Rodan + Fields conference/training.  Going in, I already felt grateful to work for a company with such great credibility and training, but I was in for so much more.  When they said "MAGIC" would happen there yesterday, I said, "yea alright"  its magical but didnt quite know what that all could mean.  I heard from the most successful financial advisors, cardiologists, non for profit volunteers, teachers, stay at home moms, big Ad network execs, and so many more.  All of their stories, coming out organically as we did our exercises with partners in which we didnt know and work our way around the room.  One story in particular grabbed me and will stay with me.  Many people saw right through to this amazing opportunity for the sky rocket financial potential and said they started this to retire themselves, or their husbands or to pay for their kids college tuition.  etc....

Our cardiologist friend stood up so boldly, to let us know that the money is great but what is more greater than any amazing paycheck is the time to spend growing or being with your family and that although she went through many years of college and became exactly what she always dreamed she wanted to be, a cardiologist.  She said, I am not the person I wanted to be, my family doesnt have the mom that they deserve to have and that her truth couldnt be any further from her dreams, until R+F.  She not only saw this company skyrocketing, and all the potential this early on to become a part of it for the amazing financial freedom, but she so vividly told us her dreams were now to allow her kids to eat dinner with her that was home cooked rather than out of a plastic tupper ware container, and her dreams were to send them to whatever school they wanted (even though financially she could already do that) but to actually be able to TAKE them there, and visit them and take them on vacations, TOGETHER.  This is not a mother getting soft, this is a person realizing that life is too short to not be EVERYTHING you always dreamed of being.  You can be a career person, with the time, and still replace a CARDIOLOGISTS paycheck with this company.  Financial freedom is amazing but freedom alone to paint your life the way you want to paint it, is priceless.

I am beginning my journey in my Rodan + Fields, micro enterprise, and going out to share this gift to those who also can see the big picture and the real solid gold potential.  We are not the "avon" ladies selling product (NO offense to anyone who sells AVON - that company too is great with their donations and special causes) but we are BUILDING this ginormous company from its infancy right now, and although the products are amazing.  Our goal is to expand and cover this globe one consultant at a time while helping them achieve their own personal success.  The product sells itself, because it works and we all have great skin and the doctors have spent their lives working on skin.  They're now sharing their gift with the world.  It is not a gift until you can give it away.  I am blessed to be one of their first generation consultants and even more blessed to be surrounded by such smart intelligent, loving, and inspirational people while growing something together, on our own watches.

Over the years, no matter how many times people say to separate business and personal life, I come to realize that your business plan is one of the most personal decisions you can make.  Choosing to spend 10, 15, 20, 40 etc hours on something a week is a VERY personal thing.  That is your time.  That is precious time.  Life is too short not to make yourself proud and not to have a bucket list that actually has goals and milestones in which you can achieve and can be thankful for.  I realize I shared someone elses story, not my own.  So, I will now share mine.

My now, husband and I decided this past spring that we were tired of living mediocre lives, and loving just when we had time.  We were tired of hearing ourselves complain or even discuss the same possibilities over and over again.  We decided to finally move to the town we have been loving for years, and be closer to family and friends, we decided to see the glass as half full but work our way to filling it.  So, in a matter of 2 months, we sold our condo, moved up to Cold Spring, and finally set our wedding date (which was a short 4.5 months of planning time).  We decided to lead with our heart and to make good wise decisions.  This train was moving fast.  I was finding much success in a job I disliked, and so much glory in all the other things in life.  While planning my wedding, I started to use R+F products, and saw amazing results just as my friend who introduced me had as well, Dia is her name.  I began to research the company and found out who and what this company actually was and how there was this shiny diamond in the rough calling my name.  Right as I decided to start talking about joining, I was laid off from my job, despite all my success, and I was okay with it.  I spent the next month learning more about R+F, receiving compliments on my skin, and getting my wedding planned and ready.  I spent that month the happiest I have ever been.  I received so many compliments on my skin during my wedding, that I signed up for R+F from the airport to my honeymoon.  I wanted to hit the ground running as soon as I got back and thats just what I did.  This was to be a side job for me while I decided my next career move.  However, I soon learned, that my next career move, found me.  I learned that this business was my next career move and that I could fund mine and my husbands dream of beginning our own small business eventually in our new small town.  Anything that may have seemed like a downer in the story was a blessing in disguise and a true gift.  WOW.  I will be travelling with this company to Nashville in January as we launch our new products and GO GLOBAL!  The best part is, I have great skin, an amazing outlook on life, and I am only just getting started!

This blog is not a sales pitch BY ANY MEANS, it is me expressing my true, raw, appreciation for so many blessings and AH-HA moments.  It is me sharing my thoughts, and expressing my excitement so that I can look back on this even if times get tough, as a reminder of why I started, and why I saw the potential.  It also serves to invite you to support me on my journey and if you or your friends have someone with a similar story to mine or some others that I will continue to share, than they might see what we see and join us in expanding GLOBAL in 2014!! Keep me in mind when you hear these stories and share the possibility and maybe buy some amazing eye cream (my current obsession) haha.

Thanks for stopping by to hear what I have been bathing in lately.  I appreciate you all and thank you for all the support! Life is a BFD, treat it that way.  Live BIG, Travel tons, smile every damn day!!


Monday, November 18, 2013


It's official... Basically!  I AM A CERTIFIED BARRE "TEACHER"!

It has been a long time coming, and I am so insanely thrilled with the fact that I waited until now.  I have had the honor of learning from first generation Lotte Berk trained and amazing leaders, Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred Devito (a husband and wife team, and owners of Exhale Spa & Fitness).  The two of them and one of their top trainers Barbara, have enlightened us with their mind and body wisdom and grace.  This is only their SECOND training that has been offered and they are beginning the accreditation process (woo hoo), as theire is no nationally recognized standard of training for barre (hence why you see so many wacky variations).  I feel so privileged to have met them, let alone work along side them and have picked their brains for 40 hours!  They have taught us the core fundamentals and movements of the original barre method.

The group was a mix of pilates and all variations of "group ex" trainers, as well as first time teachers in the industry (like myself).  We all gelled very well and inspired each other, boosted each other, guided each other, and drank with each other!  It is bitter sweet that our time in the studio has come to an end, but I will be making my way around to everyone's studios up and down the coast, and possibly even as far as Dallas, Montreal, & Seattle, to support and surprise each of these amazing people!  These woman (and men, Fred) have been a blessing to work alongside.  I will forever be grateful and fueled by their energy and support!

My classes will begin around the Cold Spring area come December and January. So, stay tuned for more announcements on where you can catch my energy filled, core based, barre classes!  I am thrilled to share this knowledge with the public and begin my journey as a teacher!

I have pushed myself past the threshold of comfort into an amazing, eye opening, experience.  For that, I am inspired to continue to be persistent, patient, and confident with the chosen path of life.  All of the things, I have said for years I have wanted to do, are slowly but surely becoming my reality.  I am grateful for life and have a new appreciation for each breathe.  No day will go to waste.

What has pushed you to use your courage?  Have you challenged yourself lately?  Please share!

Namaste. Exhale.


Friday, November 8, 2013


Project getting organized!

As we flip out seasonal clothes, we also become more reliant on our mud rooms, and our multiple pairs of shoes.  Not only are the clothes bigger, but the flip flops that were so easily stored are now the piles of boots.    Somehow, the mail piles, and the projects, and the need for more food in the house.

So, the question becomes, how can we remain organized and simple through these cooler months.  I am going to start with home office de-cluttering.  I am going to start there because I am one who has many projects colliding into one.  So not only does this space need a face lift, but so does the time management within this space.  I look forward to telling you more about the projects in the pipeline.  

I am going to start by sectioning off my daily routines and work myself into a rhythm that fits my lifestyle, our schedule(s), and still leave time for those precious newlywed moments.  I married the man of my dreams, but us perusing our dreams together may collide with alone time and that just #aintcool.

First up, Mondays are for Manis and Macro E ALWAYS, but those can be later afternoon ME time(s) on Mondays.  During the day will be for Marketing.  See the theme here, "M"s are for Mondays.  Time to create flyers, widgets, have Marketing Meetings.  This is actually kinda fun!

Tuesdays are for tune ups, checking in with co workers for Tips, and Tricks, and simple updates.  I will also read industry Trades, and Talk on the phone with guests and clients in need of assistance or questions.

Wednesdays are "Warrior Wednesdays" at one of my studios @LifeInBalanceFishkill.  So I will carry that into my daily rhythm as well.  there will be time for yoga and exercise and much more WORK.  Those phone calls and monday meetings, will become WORKS in progress on Wednesdays.  When I cross things off the lists on Wednesday(s) I will feel empowered.

Thrifty Thursday will be for finding ways to cut down on expenses.  Paying bills, purchasing for the store(s), posting specials, researching new and inexpensive ways to market and advertise the businesses.  Cutting coupons

Friday is for FUN.  To make dinner plans with friends and visit friends where we are most likely not able to see them as the schedules fill up.  Friday is also a great day to be sure you call your Family and check in with them if there has been a little bit of time that has passed.

Sanctuary Saturday, to clean and RE-organize certain areas, do lawn care and laundry that wasnt able to get done in between everything else in the week.  also to Support local businesses and stroll along main street to be sure we know whats going on in our town, and hit up the farmers market.

Snuggles on Sunday heheh.  We will make sure we get back into date nights and special nights.  Sundays are for that.  Maybe we will travel out east to get inspired or check out the beaches covered in snow (not yet but its coming) or taste some of favorite yummy wines.  Either way, dates are in order.

As mentioned I will begin with a semi organized office, adding some "fung shway" and getting our bulky clothes out of the spare bedroom.  Stay tuned for after pictures.  Here are the befores.

Please share tips and tricks on how you stay organized in life and home!  I would love to hear some feedback!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

I am not sure if you know this about me but I LOVE FALL just as much as I love Summer.  Summer is great because its easy and laid back.  Pretty much everyone is happy in NY in the summer, but everyone is STYLISH in the fall!  So really, we get 6 months amazing weather and 6 months terrible weather.
Cup half full right?  Thats how I chose to look at it.

Styling clothes in the fall is so much fun!  One of the ways I love to style my clothes, is to lay them out like an inspiration board.  As seen below.
Honestly layering is so much fun but can be overwhelming if youre trying on as your going in my opinion.  One of the staples of summer would be the MAXI or just dresses in general right?  Super easy to throw on and go with some earring and wedges.  Well they too can be fun in the fall!  Layer them with a great sweater and boots or a blazer and tights.  However you prefer, but dont give up on them just yet!  The more you utilize your wardrobe cross seasons, the more money you save (for beauty items, up next on the blog!).
What do you think about the way I have styled some of my favorite dresses for fall?  Have any tips to share, feel free.  Sound off.  One of the things I miss most about working in Manhattan everyday is styling pieces and getting creative.  Lets inspire each other and also follow my style board on pinterest.  (@sweetdee83 Instagram & twitter! Deanna Gazzilli on FB & Pinterest)

 Its always appropriate to get dressed up.  
Dress the part!

Namaste.  & Happy Halloween. 
-Jack & Jill (Muraszewski Newleyweds 2013!)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our Time In Paradise

After THE single most exciting days of our lives, we jet setted off to Maui and Kuau'i!  From NY, the time difference kicked our butts for the first few days, but we didnt mind sitting around getting massages on the beach and swimming in the ocean just steps from our suite.  Life is good.

A couple days in we began to explore and see what Maui had to offer.  Finding little old western hippie towns like Pai'a and Makawao in upcountry were truly a highlight of Maui for us.  We stayed in a very resort like town of Wail-lea.  I mean they have Louis Vitton and Gucci stores in the closest shopping center.  We traveled very far and wanted to see something more than just commercial resorts and perfectly manicured lawns.  We wanted EARTH, simple, WILD, EARTH!  Dont get me wrong, Fairmont Kea Lani does a great job of being there to assist without being overbearing.  The suite had the luxury yet the ease of everything we needed to kick off our honeymoon right.  We will sure go back there, especially now since we know where to go to find REAL MAUI!

We found Big Beach down the road with the crystal clear and blue waters and amazing sand and swim.  We found REAL Hawaiin style pizza at Flatbread in Pa'ia.  Guys on the side shucking coconuts by hand for drinking, and country sides where wild flowers and local veggies grow.  All with amazing hillside views.  We found local beaches where families of all ages gather around the grill and amazing surf, what looks like daily at Ho'okipa.  And this was just Maui!  We simply couldnt get enough of drinking fresh coconut water, and Craig attempting to climb coconut trees to grab his own (unsuccessful of course).  We met some sweet and amazing people while in Maui and cannot wait to get back.

Kauai WAS EVEN BETTER, if you can believe it!  We split our time between the south shore and then the north shore.  Hanalei (north shore) is by far the winner of the trip, saved the best for last.  The south shore has a lot to offer but is built up around the resorts.  The old town of Koloa, all strung with white cafe lights as you pull down the tunnel of trees into this small town.  Just delightful, with a new restaurant called La Spezia for amazing wine and italian food.  Yes, even in Hawaii, I will find the pasta and wine!   Koloa has farmers markets where people line up hours before it opens to get their hands on fresh produce and flowers.  Craig and I pulled up exactly at 12n when it opened, and people were leaving with boxes of stuff and we couldnt believe how packed the lot already was.  HA - NOTED!  We still managed to get our fresh flowers and avocados and tomatoes for our lunch spread!  One thing I could never find again was the guava as we had at Twin Falls (private tour) in Maui.  You could bite right through the skin and eat the entire juicy amazing fruit!  Ahhh, I melt thinking about it.  Worth the trip alone.

We chose Smiths tropical paradise for our Luau of choice while on Kauai, but I would recommend going to the Tiki Nui Luau (Much smaller, entertaining, local and theatrical).  Ours was large, rushed and a little slow for our liking. I will still compare it to the Luau from DisneyWorld, which is cheesy but OH SO FUN!  I much prefer a dinner theatre version.  Smiths has gotten way to big for their own good, almost 900 SEATS!

That is the only thing I would give a negative review about.  So, back onto the greatness.  Lets talk about Waimea Canyon on the West Shore of Kauai!!!  This place is simply magical.  Its a long drive from the South Shore and virtually impossible to do from the North Shore.  As you drive through small towns of Kauai on the West Shore, be sure to stop at the coffee plantations along the way.  Youll get the energy for the sites and the crazy surf at Polihale State Park!  I would recommend SUVs when approaching polihale, but you could do it if you did it slowly.  The road ends and becomes rugged and dirt along the HUGE canyon, and all of a sudden a couple miles in clears to the most pristine and PERFECT strip of beach.  Again, all with the CANYON as the backdrop.  Our jaws dropped, and we stripped down and jumped into that ocean happier than two clams.  This was our heaven.

Just as we thought our day was complete and we would just "pass through" the canyon on the way back.  BOY were we wrong.  We saw the most breathtaking canyon view of our life.  To be such a small particle in such a large natural structure with helicopters passing through that looked like ants, was simply HUMBLING.  Not to mention the huge rainbow that we all stared at for almost a full hour.  This canyon has SO much depth and color and really made me feel so connected to God and this wonderful earth.  I love how something so beautiful can remind you that life is worth living and that we are all meant to be exactly where we are each moment.  I am so grateful and thankful for this life!

North shore in Hanalei, you drive up the east shore stopping at amazing beaches (secret beaches) along the way and pass through Kap'aa (a great old world town similar to Pa'ia in Maui) and from start to finish are stunned by the lush land of Kauai.  What a perfect slice of land they have on this island!  and their locals agree.  Theyre some of the nicest, warmest people on this earth, I am convinced.  They are so in tune with their land and their natural resources and their communities!  I have so much love for them, their music, and their land!  They truly embody the life of "ALOHA" (sharing, loving, welcoming).

We stayed in this little nook of a "resort" at the end of a long winding road with one lane bridges in Hanalei which are "unplugged" condos.  Meaning, no phones, no TVs, just land, food, and luxury.  No one to bother us, tons of space, and our very own private beach.  We basically had to rip ourselves away from this place by the end.  At this point of me going on and on about our time in PARADISE, I cannot believe I havent spoken about the FOOD!  Hawaii isnt known for the food, but there is definitely something to be said about the Tahitian, Polynesian, and Japanese influence within these islands.  All food made from a different perspective.  Some amazing AHI TUNA and sushi.  I definitely got my fill.

If you are thinking about traveling and getting away.  Hawaiian Islands are the way to go.  We feel rejuvenated, my HUSBAND grew his scruffy face (which I love), and we let it allllll go.  I hope I can take just an ounce of Aloha with me every where I go and remember the pace of life which is oh so fresh (as fresh as the guava!)

So, ALOHA to you and yours truly.  I share with you the gift of Aloha, and my stories of Paradise.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Welcome to Dee REDEFINED!  There has been so much going on in this wonderful life of mine, and I feel compelled to share it.  "They" say that your gifts in life are called gifts because they are just that, a gift.  One you must share and GIVE away.  So, I hope to share my gift of happiness, joy, & motivation on this blog.  

Being one month married, a new wife, with a new perspective on life, I feel this is a refreshing and special time to share some gifts.  Hopefully I can make you laugh, maybe cry (I am still Italian after all!) but mainly here to help inspire and motivate the flame inside of you to keep burning with upcoming blog posts.

Change is the only constant in life, and boy have I figured that out to be true.  I love the lesson I have recently learned, that complacency gets you NOWHERE, and fast!  I was working a sales job for a startup social/tech/digital company this past year.  In that year, were some of the happiest moments in my life, but that was the one part of my life that didn't seem to fit at all.  However, it may have not fit, but I was surely good at getting the job done.  So, I worked.  During this time, we got engaged in Napa (a great and beautiful trip), we decided to sell our condo in Westchester and seek out a home in Cold Spring where we knew we felt, well, AT HOME.  In May was when it all came together, we chose a date and picked a house to move into.  Full speed ahead. Very exciting time in our lives.  Our town is a little "sleepy" river town, filled with some of the greatest and most creatively fun people we have ever met. I enjoy it so much, that when the day came where this company and I parted ways, I was so inspired to build my life, our lives, up here in Cold Spring.  I took one day to look back and reflect on some of the lessons and changes that the year had brought to my life, but was so much more excited looking forward to what the year ahead was going to bring... and then the year after that and the year after that....

Flash forward to a few weeks of yoga and boat loads of wedding preparation, and we are at the BEST DAY OF OUR LIVES, our big day!  Our family and friends filtered into this amazing town from all over the states and celebrated with us all over Cold Spring for an entire weekend.  As if this town could get any cooler, or filled with better vibes.  IT DID.  It was so amazing, the energy, the light, and oh the love that filled this community was just BEYOND breath taking.  My little town that I love so dearly, bustling with loved ones in and out of all the cool shops and bistros.  Ah, I love it! 

Leading up to the wedding, I of course, focused on wellness.  I did yoga, I ate well, and scouted out all the local farmers markets, and I treated my skin to facials etc.  I've fallen hard for a balanced life and realized that my life prior was not very balanced.  I chose now, to focus my energy on maintaining balance and wellness.  I have decided to work from home and free lance my marketing and sales business, which my skin care venture is the first order of business.  Rodan + Fields Dermatologists.  I bought some amazing product from a friend of mine leading up to the wedding.  Not only did I need to get my mind, & body right prior but I also needed to be sure the skin was radiant and flawless.  I was overwhelmed and quite frankly, down right sick of walking into Sephora and having them sell me on products that they have never used but have "heard" great things about.  I couldn't come home with any more false promises.  So, I saw my friends before and after pictures, inquired, asked some questions and started to use the UNBLEMISH line from R+F to control my oils and balance out the tone of my pores and skin.  IT WORKED!  I was hooked!  I looked amazing at my wedding, and I decided that I should further my connection with R+F and ALSO sell it.  Rodan & Fields are the two doctors (actively practicing dermatologists in San Fran) who created Proactiv and sold it after making their fortune.  They treated the youth acne problems for years and decided to create the "grown up version" of Proactiv as well as 3 other regimens and tools to treat other common skin care conditions.  R+F, their legacy and claim to fame. 

After my wedding, when I felt that my skin and blemishes were under control, I decided to also work in the REDEFINE regimen for my skin in which will treat my skin in all of its layers to fight against the signs of aging.  I have been using this product for over a month and I am receiving SO many compliments on my skin.  My face no longer needs an ounce of makeup and believe it or not I feel better without anything on it.  That is when everyone can see the different and notice the glow that I now have.  

Needless to say, I am a proud consultant for Rodan + Fields Derms, and have been inspired by the direct marketing industry in which it thrives.  I have also been inspired by wellness and fitness and will be continuing my journey by completing the Barre Certification/teacher training in NYC during November.  I have decided to REDEFINE my life and build upon things that make me feel centered and balanced.  Products and lifestyles that I believe in have now transformed into rewarding and inspiring WORK!  Who would have thought? 

I chose the quote above by Socrates because I feel that it sums up the path in life in which I am CHOOSING to follow and the life in which I am actively building.  This blog is me sharing the gift of balance and inspiration during my journey and new beginnings.  I thank you for reading and appreciate the support of my family and friends during the most invigorating time in my life.  NAMASTE.